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Poorly managed state-owned munitions have fuelled conflict, crime and terrorism, and caused horrific damage from accidental explosions. The safe and secure management of small arms and light weapons (SALW) and ammunition stockpiles is critical in the prevention of illicit proliferation and accidental explosions. The promotion of best practices and international standards is a priority for the international community, and the EU..

Since 2020, the European Union (EU) commissioned the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) to explore and develop an Arms and Ammunition Management Validation System (AAMVS) as a tool to support decision making processes regarding the stockpile management capabilities of states. The system would allow for states to showcase the concurrence of their national arms and ammunition management capabilities with international good practices.


An AAMVS would allow states to demonstrate their adherence to good practices as laid out by international and regional technical guidelines, frameworks and normative instruments. This demonstration would provide assurances that could support the implementation of multiple areas in arms control, notably export control and capacity building.

Implementation (status: 08.05.2023)

Since 2020, the GICHD’s Ammunition Management Advisory Team (AMAT) has been leading the implementation of the AAMVS project. Following the EU Council Decision CFSP 2020/979, the first phase of the project ran from 1 October 2020 until 30 November 2021 (14 months). The second phase was authorised by CFSP 2021/2075 amending the earlier decision and ran from 1 December 2021 until 30 November 2022. The aims of the first and second phases were to:

  1. Explore the feasibility of developing an AAMVS,
  2. Propose a plan for its development, respectively.

Based on the positive outcome of the first two phases, on 18 November 2022, the EU decided through CFSP 2022/2275 to continue supporting the development of an AAMVS for a period of three years. The third phase runs from January 2023 through December 2025. During Phase III, AMAT will work with the EU and other regional organisations to tailor and develop the AAMVS with the aim of having it usable and operational by end of 2025.


Phase I

OCT 2020 - NOV 2021

Phase II 

OCT 2021 - NOV 2022

Phase III 

JAN 2023 - DEC 2025

EU Council Decision CFSP 2020/979 CFSP 2021/2075 CFSP 2022/2275