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Side Event: Fourth Review Conference of UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons

"Knowing where you are is the first step to getting there: Knowledge-generating tools and information-sharing mechanisms to enhance PoA implementation"

24 June 2024


Location: United Nations (Conference Room B) New York

Generating knowledge on national arms and ammunition capabilities helps strengthening states’ ownership of management of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and identifying possible measures to support national efforts toward the effective implementation of the PoA. Knowledge-generating tools and initiatives are also the prerequisites for adequate, measurable, and sustainable international assistance. The sharing of this information with other stakeholders enhances the efficiency and coordination of international cooperation and assistance activities to prevent illicit proliferation of SALW at the national and regional level.

This side event introduces different practical tools aimed at generating knowledge and sharing information on national arms and ammunition capabilities, as well as risks associated with transfers processes, in support of the effective implementation of the PoA:

  • Regional Communication Mechanism on Licit Transfers of Firearms and Ammunition (MCTA) and CIFTA Revised Questionnaire to assess state capacities – Organization of American States
  • Arms and Ammunition Management Validation System (AAMVS) – GICHD/AMAT
  • INTERPOL Global Communication System 24/7 (I-24/7) - INTERPOL

Event Flyer

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