1 September 2023
During the 9th Conference of States’ Parties (CSP9) for the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining’s Ammunition Management Advisory Team (GICHD-AMAT) organised a closed-door workshop on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 August 2023. The workshop's primary objective was to assess the practical compatibility of AAMVS's key theoretical components with real-world state practices of export control authorities in European Union (EU) member states. Representatives from nine EU member states provided crucial insights on their licensing procedures including aspects about their diversion risk assessments. This interactive session aimed to ensure that the AAMVS system responds to the needs and practices of these states, guiding the system's ongoing development.

On Thursday 24 August, GICHD-AMAT’s Programme Officer delivered a presentation on the AAMVS, its benefits, and potential contributions to supporting the ATT's implementation. The AAMVS provides a standardised means of exchanging information on weapons and ammunition management practices which can contribute better decision making in arms export controls and address the information and data gap challenge faced by many states in their implementation of the treaty. This presentation took place during a side event titled “Challenges to Effective Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty: Ten years since the Arms Trade Treaty,” organised by MAAT for Peace, an Egyptian Non-Governmental Organisation specialising in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.

Throughout the conference, AMAT team members attended formal sessions, joined side-events, and held bilateral meetings with representatives from various states and organisations. These engagements helped promote the concept of the AAMVS and gather invaluable insights for refining its design ahead of upcoming system tests planned for next year.